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a competitive EU auto industry, driving the mobility revolution
The European automotive industry is integral to our European way of life, keeping people and essential goods moving. Yet, significant challenges lie ahead: the need to address climate change, global competition, rising costs, protectionism, and geopolitical instability.
In this manifesto, we set forth a future-proof and people-first vision for an industry that supports sustainability, highly skilled European jobs, safe and reliable transport, competitiveness on a global scale and accessible mobility for all. We present five key policy recommendations for the EU’s next five-year mandate (2024–2029). Together with our partners, we commit to delivering an action plan for a #FutureDriven European mobility ecosystem built on three pillars: supply, production, and demand.
Powering the EU Economy And serving Society
Trucks and buses are not just bigger cars. They operate in a business-to-business market, serving a myriad of different uses and are mostly on the move.
Europe’s policy makers must better account for these differences. That’s why Europe’s leading truck and bus makers have pioneered this Manifesto with five policy recommendations specifically for the truck and bus sector.
Whether it’s regulatory coherency, boosting market uptake, enhancing connectivity and automation, technology neutrality, or safeguarding global competitiveness, effective policies are integral to getting zero-emission trucks and buses on Europe’s roads.